Prime barcode Solutions is Gold Partner with POSIFLEX Technology for Point of sale billing machines for retail and Hospitality industries.Prime Barcode Solutions specializes in Posilfex range of point of sale(POS) machines for fast billing solutions used Food courts,Restaurant,Quick Service Restaurant,Hotels,Resorts,Retails,supermarkets and Beauty parlous.
posiflex Technology is leading POS-Point of sale and Billing machines manufactures-Prime is dealer in hyderabad for posiflex pos fanlesssystems and Aura Series Receipt Thermal Printers PP8800.Posiflex hardware is best billing solutions for point of sale coutners.posiflex holding Huge product line like JIva Series,Ks series,xt series,Touch Billing posiflex machines,Non Touch Billing Machines,Hs 2410 Series Model is perfect counter fit model,Posiflex Cash Drawer Cr4000 is Screw less Rugged Cash drawer,Posiflex having Touch Monitors which can be connected to CPU and Msr(Magnatic Swip Reader) and kiosk Machines,
why Prime Barcode solutions for Posiflex Pos Products
1) Posiflex has 25 years of massive experience in the industry,cutting edge Technology with affortable price-Prime Barcode Solutions engaged with Posiflex range of Pos Products from last 10 years.
2) Posiflex having huge product range which will catter all the industries for Billing solutions.-prime having Experinece Service and sale team to offer best posiflex range of products to customer.
3) Posiflex Desings and Manufactures own Touch Terminals,Non –Touch Cash registers ,Receipt thermal pritners, cash Drawers,pole display and Kitchen video systesm-Prime Barcode has expertised solutions providering team to offer best posiflex product which suits and fit to the industry.
4) All range of posfilex pos machiens has been integrated with all Pos billing application.